Protecting Our Community Is Everything

Welcome to Monterey Firefighters Community Foundation

We are happy to meet you!

Monterey Firefighters Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created for the benefit of our community and we greatly encourage your participation.

Our mission is to protect and strengthen our community through continued stewardship, education and outreach.


Educate. Engage. Empower.

Our fundraisers and community events are designed to help you get to know your local firefighters while improving upon public education regarding fire prevention and fire safety. As we move closer to fire season it is more important than ever to be vigilant about safety guidelines and preventative measures. Please join us at our next event, we’re here to answer any and all of your questions.

Click below to learn more about our previous and upcoming events!


Wildfire season is approaching and your donations are more important than ever.

Please click below to contribute directly to our Wildfire Relief Fund.

Wildfire Relief Fund

Thank you Carmel Gives Foundation for your profound dedication and generous contributions over the last several years

We are pleased to congratulate the Carmel Gives Foundation as our official support group of 2020. Aside from our Wildfire Relief Fund, we had the privilege of collecting more than $25,000 in gift cards for wildfire victims, the majority of which were contributed by Carmel Gives Foundation. Our community is a better place because of your commitment and dedication to service.

Donate to Monterey Firefighters Community Foundation

We strive to involve the community in decision making processes that impact us all.

Join us in making our community a safer place by subscribing to our newsletter below.